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Pagecloud website builder

See why people love Pagecloud

See what all the fuss is about! Here's what people are saying about the revolutionary world of Pagecloud.

Levi Leon

Facebook Review
Quote Circle 1

So easy yet so advanced. Being a visually creative person myself, Pagecloud eliminates the frustrations of designing in code or with modules and other work-arounds.

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Quote Circle 1

It's so easy to use. The ability to drag files from my desktop into my website is flawless. The fact that you can drag certain files and it automatically creates a download button for that file is brilliant.

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Andrew Cengiz

Facebook Review
Katrina B.
Business Owner

Giving power to little people like me with small businesses, all the complaints I read sound greedy, this program is natural progression.

Before the internet I would have never had a chance to build my own business that would grow into 12 full time people like mine has today, especially not from off the grid on a tropical island.

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Sparrow D.

Trustpilot Review

PageCloud has set my imagination free!

Every time I use the Pagecloud editor they've added improved functionality. I've been with this company from the startup and it's been so great to have an idea, design it, and immediately integrate it into a new page or brand new site instantaneously.

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Clive H.

Business Owner

A great experience! I'm neither a web developer nor claim to know much regarding web design. However, I managed to build and design a most successful site for my business from scratch using Pagecloud as my guide.

It's been a terrific experience to date. When I've needed help, your online assistance has been super-efficient. How brilliant to talk to real people who truly care! Big thanks to you, Pagecloud people!

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Christine H.

Capterra Review

I love the ability to use my website like a canvas and update with relative ease.

What I like most about the software is it's flexibility and intuitive nature. I like being able to change design elements at will. I also appreciate the tutorials and the prompt customer service that Pagecloud offers.

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Jason K.

Capterra Review

I love the ability to use my website like a canvas and update with relative ease.

Plenty of templates but also the ability to start with a black canvas and add images and text where ever you like, there are no limits to the design capabilities of this software.

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Warren C.

Trustpilot Review

The product is amazing, and somehow the customer service is even better!

I no longer feel feel trapped in the box of other website companies that only offer templates. I have complete creative control over my site, my content, and how I want my web visitors to feel. The kicker is no coding is needed, just complete creative control to design in real time.

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Sam Ellis

Professional Illustrator

Love it. Period.

Pagecloud was super easy to use, I made my site in roughly an hour and love the results! With Pagecloud I can design on the fly. Updating my site has never been easier, especially when I just need to tweak something. As an artist, I really don’t want to focus on all of the programming and coding that is involved with creating a website—Pagecloud does the heavy lifting so I can focus on my art.

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Harsh Agrawal


Pagecloud is the simplest way to create a website on your browser.

You can drag anything from your desktop or web & just drop it in. Pagecloud would automatically take care of it. Be it a spreadsheet, images, chart or even Google maps location. What interesting here is, you get a lot of options when you drop anything. For example, when I tested this with a video, it offers all the important features which a website needs such as Autoplay, Background video, hide video controls & many others.

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Jitendra Vaswani


The design freedom you get with Pagecloud is ridiculous.

Pagecloud is definitely worth trying, especially if you are a visual person that wants to create a unique website. No other tool can give you this level of customization without having to write any code.

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Joshua Jobe

Trustpilot Review

Pagecloud is the single BEST web design company I've ever tried.  

I've tried Wix, WordPress, Joomla, and other hosting companies where I've hand coded the website, yet Pagecloud has been the best experience of them all. Sure, there are features that lack, but the simplicity, let alone, the support, is the reason I chose to stick with Pagecloud. They are growing and so are the features they provide, slowly bridging the gap on features. I definitely recommend this company!

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Whether it's a short review or a long review, we read 'em all! Your feedback is used to improve the Pagecloud experience and to help guide the features we're working on right now. Not to mention, positive ratings left on popular reviews sites help by creating awareness for Pagecloud - for which we are forever grateful!

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